
The Pin Cushion Queen
(by Tim Burton)

Life isn't easy
for the Pin Cushion Queen.
When she sits on her throne
pins push through her spleen.

Unexplored Regions Of The Spleen

A well-known physiologist once remarked:
"It is one of the most obscure and mysterious corners of the human organism."
Fritz Kahn said:
"The spleen is not a digestive organ although it lies next to the stomach. It has no relation to any neighboring organ, but is attached exclusively to the blood-stream. It could just as well be situated in some other part of the body."
Bernard Glemser wrote:
"For many centuries the spleen was considered to be the organ of bad temper. We still use the word to mean ill humor, peevish temper, or spite. Even today we know very little about the spleen. We can live without it quite comfortably. As far as I know, people who have had their spleens taken out are just as bad-tempered as they were before."
Geoff McHardy speculated:
Interesting music that was picked for the Spleen chant. The tonality of the piece is fairly modal and does not seem to center around either D Major or B Minor as the key signature would suggest. This could be a medieval-rennaissance work, however, the notation is modern (at least 16th century) so unless it is a translation it would more likely be a 20th century work. Or, it could just be an ear-training exerpt.


Comics O' Spleen

We're famous!
The Spleen is making its motion picture debut!

"The victim of an old Gypsy woman's curse, The Spleen is the purveyor of noxious fumes. His emissions have enough force to blast criminals away!"
edible discs
Disc o' Cookie
spleen wretches
Spleenian Invasion
spleen birth
Spleenal Birth
misplaced spleen
Misplaced Spleen